Tuesday, May 29, 2012


My husband likes to take all sorts of lessons: pottery (more on that in a later blog), salsa, improv, Chicago step, and most recently, conga drums. Since our move to a new city, he’s somehow found happy instructors in remote areas in small buildings that teach each of these. I am certain he will find other lessons to take in the future.
Yesterday, he decided that he needed some more practice time on the conga drums. “One hour a week is not enough to get good,” he explained to me. I nodded in agreement because I am a supportive and loving wife. So off we went to the music store to buy a pair of congas.
Today, he came home early to “work from home” (read: practice on his new congas). He left for a bit to go to the gym and to his drum lessons, and now he is back home. The game is on, the volume on the TV is up, but I can’t hear because of the beating music.
“You wanna play too?” he turned to ask. “We can make you a beat.” I smile and shake my head. “This was a good investment for America,” he concludes as he puts on his headphones to add a bit of music to his dream. 
Check out a video below. Prepare to jam.

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