Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Two weeks ago, my husband came home with bags full of Christmas decorations. He’d gone to a number of stores on his way home from work: WalMart, Target, Michael’s, JoAnne’s, and Home Depot. In these bags were an array of holiday decorations, including (but certainly not limited to) Santa hats, garland, wrapping paper, bows, lights, and fake snow.
I was excited. “All this is for the house?” I asked, ready to start decorating. But he shook his head and quickly corrected me. “No,” he said, “They’re for the gym.”

Turns out, his holiday Christmas card idea was to go to the gym we frequent, decorate various exercise equipment, and take pictures. During gym hours. With gym people staring at us. Our house never had a chance to boast even one Christmas light.

Here are some of the pics. What do you think?

Yes, he bought the socks too.
Are you feeling the
 holiday spirit yet?
The bows help him focus.
Santa is a strong man.
Two points if you can guess 
what's in the box.
What's a squat without a Santa hat?
Add of course, we had to end the evening 
doing simultaneous holiday pullups.